Origin and meaning of sphenoid:from spheno- + -oid. os sphenoidale etymologi. As a noun from Related: Sphenoidal. See more. Definitions of sphenoid from
Corpus ossis sphenoidalis. Tělo nese tvar nepravidelného kvádru (krabičky), kde je horní, dolní a přední stěna přístupná. Zadní stěna je v synchondrosis sphenooccipitalis připojena k týlní kosti . Z těla odstupují: z horní ventrální části párové alae minores; od boků párové alae majores; ze zadní dolní strany párové výběžky processus pterygoidei.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The sphenoid bone is an unpaired bone of the neurocranium. It is situated in the middle of the skull towards the front, in front of the basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid bone is one of the seven bones that articulate to form the orbit. Start studying Os sphenoidale. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The sphenoid bone is a large, complex, unpaired bone forming the central parts of the anterior and central skull base.
Видео Os sphenoidale клиновидная кость канала iBolitN Der Processus pterygoideus entspringt beidseits an der Verbindungsstelle … Translation for: 'os sphenoidale' in English->Czech dictionary. Search nearly 14 million words and phrases in more than 470 language pairs. os sphenoidale translation in English-French dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services.
os sphenoidale translation in English-French dictionary. Cookies help us deliver our services. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies.
Käkled: För os mandibula i sidled. Coccyx, os coccygis, Columna coccygealis, Vertebrae coccygeae, Co1-4(5) Os sphenoidale, kilbenet bildar delar av botten i hjärnskålen samt en del av den Os frontale?
Os Sphenoidale 18 Eylül 2009 Cuma. Create. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business.
y flanzen kallas eine Sache zu t . und zu wenden , sphenoidale .
Neurocranium. Os ethmoidale (lamina cribrosa); Os frontale; Os occipitale; Os parietale; Os sphenoidale; Os temporale (pars petrosa, pars squamosa)
Os sphenoidale, os ethmoidale, os palatinum. Maxilla, os zygomaticum, palatum osseum. Fossa pterygopalatina, orbita. Os nasale, os lacrimale, orbita. Den kilben ( latin: Os sphenoidale eller Os sphenoides ) är en av de ben i hjärnan skallen .
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The sphenoid bone is situated at the base of the skull in front of the temporals and basilar part of the occipital.
Definitions of sphenoid from
Ursprung: Os sphenoidale. Fäste: Tarsus superior. Innervering: n. opticus (II).
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baktill: av kilbenets (os sphenoidale) små vingar. Gränsen bakåt mot den mellersta skallgropen är skarpt markerad av de små kilbensvingarnas bakre kanter.
Os temporale. Maxilla. Os zygomaticum. Mandibula. Os frontale. Os nasale Processus mastoideus på os temporale. De tre fåror för hjärnans vener som fanns i os occipitale fortsätter i os parietale.